Christian Fiction On line

On the road - Ridgefest - Wolfville, Nova Scotia

Monday, December 13, 2010

Is 'Giant George' the world's tallest dog? The 7ft-long blue great dane could claim title | Mail Online

Is 'Giant George' the world's tallest dog? The 7ft-long blue great dane could claim title | Mail Online

Thursday, August 12, 2010


 I was a little bit good to myself last night. Yes ,I stayed up too late ,but I decided to wash off my CPAP masked and took ten minutes to or so to adjust and fit the mask ,and slept with it for about 4 hours. I felt way more rested that I do when I do not use it . I have to promise myself to use it again tonight and every night.  I am more rested and think better and have more energy!

A New Goal Realized

I almost did not get to go out on my bike much today at all.I had been down to the bakery earlier , but it is only 3 doors down, so it was just a fast way to get there. Then I about 9:00 I decided I had better go biking. It occured to me that it would be nice to conquer the hill that I had been avoiding all summer. I took off on my bike and rode for about 2 k's and told my hubby to meet me at the bottom of the hill. I was thinking if I got stuck part way up and had to stop , he could push me and get me going again . Well .I stopped and waited for him and after 5 minutes decided to go the hill by myself. I took off and huffed and puffed, but I made it up the hill. Then I had a long ways to coast down hill. That was fun ,but then I got thinking gee I have to come back up this hill. Anyways I kept going until I got to the ferry. From my house to the ferry is 1 mile. Now a mile is not so far for me anymore, but this has some long hard hills. My husband showed up and I had him go ahead and wait for me at the top of each new hill. On the way back from the ferry terminal was another huge long hill. Well I huffed and puffed and moaned and groaned so loudy that a lady that was out running turned around to see if I was okay .Smile That was almost funny ! But I made it up the hill and got to coast down the hills that I had struggled to come up earlier . My hubby was please with my accomplishment. I thought I should give myself at least one gold star !

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday August 10,2010

This evening I rode my trike down to Linda's . She had a houseful of company so she didn't go biking with me. I rode back so I did get in about 2 miles . 
Nothing else much going on here today. Slept mostly which reminds me I need to get back to using my CPAP machine. Also need to keep better hours. I was doing pretty well for awhile and then I got off track again. Sure is hard to change back. 
  I sure miss Snuffy, just hits me at the oddest times , like when I first wake up and crawl out of be. I find myself looking back to see if he is there. I found my self crying in church Sunday, something triggered thoughts of him . Guess it will take some time.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 9 - actually it is 5:20 am on the 10th

I can't believe I spend the last 3-4 hours working on a database only to find out that it would not do what I wanted it to do , what a waste! I also figured out that I need to go get some lessons in Merging Documents " , that would have saved me an hour or as well .       Oh well ,I 'll be off to the bakery for coffee in the morning .I will need to help keep me going all day. Well, unless it rains too hard .I don't have a car for the next couple of days. Speaking of which I watered my flower gardens this evening . So what does it do but rain !!  
        Was too sore from the hike on Sunday still to go biking much but I did take Misty with me for a run, when I took my bike down to the pharmacy (about a 1/2 kilometer from my home
  Must get to bed

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Me and Misty


Today I didn't go far on my bike, about a kilometre all together. It is near the full moon and so after 7:00 it got really cold and windy to ride far - mostly too windy. However, I did take Misty along with me for part of it. She was distracted by Ron this time so she didn't enjoy the run like she did the first time I tried it.
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Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday, August 5

       I didn't get biking this evening . My trike is in the shop getting a tire fixed, and my other bike has the chain off for some reason. Then I just decided to sit home and sew and catch you up some quilt projects. I have a large wall hanging or lap quilt to do for a wedding a the end of the month so I had to get started. And I had to figure out  how I wanted to cut out the blocks. It has been really humid here the past couple of days, think it has affected my asthma, I sure have not had much extra energy .

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday ,August 4

   Today I left the house about 6:35 and I road to the tennis courts in Grand Harbour. I wanted to see the ladies taking tennis lessons. I got there in 46 minutes. I drove my 2 wheel six-speed and I was ready to drop by the time I got there. I had the gears mixed up and was riding in 4,5,6 up hill, instead of 1,2 or 3.  I thought I had tried them the opposite way , but it didn't seem to make any difference. It didn't help much that about half way down the wind started blowing against me . It turns out that I drove a bit over 11 kilometers . (which is about  6.83 miles ) I was glad that I could rest and also that I had a cold wet facecloth to wash my face and a cold bottle of water to drink. I got a ride home instead of trying to do both ways.( At this point I think it is easier to do distance on my trike, but time will tell I guess)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday August 2

It is a new month already, time to log in some miles. This evening I just biked down to my friends house and back.(about a total of 2 miles )  I used my two-wheel 5-speed, I am getting used to it again but I don't feel as secure with.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saturday, July 31st

      Today  I rode my bike the Rotary Festival  Street Parade. It was a lot of fun . The parade route was 2.7 kilometers long , I had to ride back to the start of the parade, that was total of  5.4 kilometers which translates in to 3.55 miles.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friday, July 30

 Today I took my dog Misty ( she is part Husky and is a medium size dog) with me a on a short bike ride. I hooked the end of  her leash over the end of my handle bar and help on tight. I didn't have to pedal much because the scamp started running. She had a great oh time and it didn't tire her out at all. I biked about 2 kilometers . .Will get a picture or video of this for next time.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday , July 28

My friend Linda called me this morning and I suggested that I come meet her where she was . So I biked from my place to Grand Harbour . And then we road up and down the Hill Road. So named because it goes up a big hill , which I made it up. Had to do it a little bit at a time. Then we left Grand Harbour and biked back to her place . we also took a dip in Ocean . That was refreshing. 9pm  Linda just called me and she measured the total distance that I had biked today at it was around 12.5 miles . woohoo ! Last summer this time I was getting around using a walker.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday July 27,2010

 I stated to go biking last evening , I actually biked to my friend's house, which is about a mile from here. We visited for awhile but before we could go out biking together my husband came and told me that our beloved dog Snuffy had just gotten over. I was so consumed with grief that I just couldn't do anything but cry. I am going to try to to go biking later on this evening .

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 25

 It was raining at about 7:00pm  when I usually go out out biking so I didn't go out until sometime after 8:00. I biked down to a friends house, and sat and chatted with her for a while. She was not up to biking , so I just biked back home again ( about 2 miles round trip) I was going to go farther, but tonight was a full moon and it was quite chilly out . Hopefully I can go farther tomorrow evening.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 24 - First ride in a while

I was away on vacation and so I have not gone riding
in awhile, ( Oh, actually I rode my 2 wheel bike the other day wanted to see if I could actually ride it after so long  . I went down to the Save Easy Parking lot with a firiend and I did okay . Have to get use to the balance all over again . I rode it from here to the Surfside the next day I think. I am kind of nervous on the road still ) Anyhow, I rode my trike from here down to Kenny's garage . Pretty good for not having ridden that far in awhile. Linda could not join me and I always can ride farther when she is around. I took Snuffy with me and that was kind of fun, he was so quiet , I think he enjoyed it though.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Need to Keep up This Blog

I have been biking all through June and July , but never got around to keeping track. Guess, it is time to get back to blogging about my biking and diet as well. Keep checking back for new posts .

Monday, May 24, 2010

Walking and Biking

 Sometime last week I went for walk with Linda and we walked from the house , all the way to the other end of Stanley beach and back home again. It has been a very long time since I have walked so far with out my walker and with out pain .

Sunday May 23 I rode my bike down to Linda's , got a ride home .

Monday May 24 - I spent from 11:30 -4:30 over to the church. I did almost 2 rows on my quilt ,and I cut out the rest of the pictures for my wall hanging out. I did some reading in between .

I rode my bike from the house up to the Surfside motel and back .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 11th- rode my bike to Artje Ingalls and back. I finally got the binding sewing on the baby quilt and she is kindly sewing the binding for me .

May 12- I didn't take the bike for a ride today as the brakes needs adjustment . I did walk down to the bakery and then on to Shellie's shop without my walker. That was good for me,usually I can not walk that far without my back hurting .

Monday, May 10, 2010

My New Bike

I have a new bike. It has been a challenge to learn how to ride but I think I am getting the hang of it .

 First time - practiced riding around the parking lot at the Save Easy
Second time - practiced riding around the parking lot at the Save Easy
Third time -rode from my house up to the Motel and turned around and came home.
Fourth time- Linda came with me and rode her bike. We went up to the motel, and then up the Whale Cove road almost to the top of the hill, back down and then up the Whistle Road as far as the park and then back home.
MAY 10TH- rode to the drugstore and back 

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday April 26

up at about 9:40  had breakfast  cherrios and milk
walked to averys - did not have to stop and rest until I got to the we\Wesleyan church, and then was in pain by the tim I got to averys .
had lunch with averys

was outside and dug up some compost and put a forsythia branch in the ground and in a jug
 rice and chicken, juice, tea, 2 peanut butter cookies and a glass of ornage juice
supper egg on a bagel  , garden salad , 

3  squares mint chocolate around 7:30
and 3 homemade choc chip cookies between 9:30 and 11. with milk

wore support stockings for 12 hours ( new ones ) 

Friday, April 23, 2010

7:00 synthroid - glass of water
8:30 Breakfast
      tea with Arche one PC brand chocolate cookie, gave her a baby quilt to finish binding .

noon lunch - trout , cole slaw with apples /miracle whip\
 12 -14 oz glass of water .

1:00 -3:00 met with Linda at the vestry and we put 2 coats of tung oil on the quilt frame. May have to apply more .
 also set up quilt again ,

5:30 - supper chicken, rice , cole slaw ( smaller amount) 
 cleaned up kitchen - Ron helped which is cool , he has done that twice so far that I have noticed.

6:30 had some blueberry crisp, little bit of vanilla ice cream

7:30 transplanted  some johnny jumps up from the lower lawn to the back of the house. spray some vinegar on the grass .

7:53 have a glass of water (12 oz) , typing this blog